Date of Birth:
FeLV/FIV negativ
HCM DNA mybPC3 negativ
SMA negativ & PKdef negativ
parents HCM und PKD screened negativ
HCM and PKD screened negative 2017
HCM and PKD screened negative 11/2018
father: IC Rurik Mara Pra Coona BY
mother: NW IC Alfa White Luxury BY, JW
❤️We proudly presend our new boy
Oxana thank you very much for this unbelieveable beauty with a fantastic temper.
Our dream boy Faberge has a wild-like appearance and an extremely square muzzle.
His head shape is super, his forehead perfectly curved.
The ears are well set and feature long and thick lynx tufts.
His coat is of silky texture, thick and glossy, and features a very distinct solid pattern.
Faberge has also a really long tail.
Viničné 25.09.2016
Best in Show & Best in Category & BOBII
Tulln 01.10.2016
Best in Variety & Best in Show & Best Categorie & BOBIII
Banska Bystrica 15.10.2016
Best in Show & Best Categorie & BOB
Banska Bystrica 16.10.2016
Best in Show